
· Linocuts
· Sculptures
· Paintings
· Films
· Embroidery 
· Zines

· Monoprints


· Events

· Exhibitions

· Performances

Freya Mears is a London/Bristol based artist and curator. 

She is currenty studying Liberal Arts at the University of Bristol.

She has a particular interest in social practice, curating, educational psychology and art therapy.

She wants to spend her life creating, educating, and collaborating.

In 2021 she completed an Art Foundation Diploma (Distinction) at City and Guilds of London Art School.

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CONTACT for Purchase Enquiries 
Freya Mears
instagram: @pigeontehe
Founded: September 2001




To be Free / 2022
30.5 x 40.5cm

Linocut on paper

Current location. Get me home. 
It’s this city.

A lost pigeon.
A lost soul.

Things will be different this time. 
Pigeon in limbo.
Trapped limbs.
Lack of ambition.
no, Trapped ambition.

So many limes
But no garden.

Alone and Free. 
Delectable divinity. 

To be Free (blue) / 2022
30.5 x 40.5cm 

Linocut on paper

Plinky Plinky Plonk / 2022
20 x 28.5cm

Linocut on paper

My partner in crime, its her birthday. Of course I’m making her a lino. 

Plinky Plinky Plonk
(green queen)/ 2022
20 x 28.5cm

Can I Borrow Your Lighter? / 2021
82 x 59.5cm

Linocut on paper

“Every time I see a couple of pigeons I think it’s us,” I told her this morning.
“And when there’s more, I wonder who’s with us.”

That night, with the day’s leftovers fizzing in our brains, we three artists head to Tesco, to buy drinks to consume on Cleavers Square.

By the exit, five pigeons congregate
“That’s us three.” I laugh, “I guess we’ll be joined by two others tonight.”
Together we make the holy blem.
The girls are rolled and ready
But, cue the frantic rummaging.
Cig behind ear, and he’s nowhere to be seen.
She’s left with no choice but to approach the neighbouring bench.

“Can I borrow your lighter?” she asks.

And with that coo, three pigeons did indeed become five. I guess I’ve found my spirit animal.

Lockdown Nightmare /2021
83 x 59.5cm
Linocut on kozo paper

We have the opportunity to rebuild a society.
I’ll show this print to my grandchildren when they ask what lockdown was like.

Even in a global pandemic there are teeth to be brushed, hair to be cut and windows to be cleaned. Why have our dreams intensified?
Nature come closer, invade my space. 

You Must be Desperados to Drink This /2021
30 x 42cm
Linocut on paper

Fuck off /2021
10 x 15cm (no border)
Linocut on paper

I’m so glad you got ugly /2021
15 x 20cm
Linocut on paper

Rona let me dance /2020
29 x 20cm

Linocut on paper

Storyteller, Football Fan, Looks Up /2021 

19 x 24cm
Linocut on paper